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Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Smyrnium cordifolium plant and its application for colorimetric detection of ammonia | Scientific Reports

Oct 16, 2024

Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 24161 (2024) Cite this article

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The need to identify ammonia is necessary because of its harmful effects on the environment and humans. In this study, a colorimetric method was also developed for the detection of ammonia using silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized with the green approach. Biosynthesis of AgNPs was performed by silver nitrate as a silver precursor and Smyrnium cordifolium extract as a reducing and stabilizing agent. Plant extract was studied by FTIR and LC/Mass techniques. The optimization of the effective parameters was carried out with central composite design according to silver nitrate concentration, plant extract volume, pH, and temperature. Biosynthetic nano-silver was characterized with XRD, EDS/EDX, FE-SEM, FTIR, TGA, and DLS methods. The AgNPs was validated for ammonia colorimetric detection. Biosynthesis of AgNPs were increased in 20 mM AgNO3, 5 ml Smyrnium cordifolium extract, pH 10, and the temperature of 70 °C. Crystal form of AgNPs characterized with XRD at 2Ѳ value of 38.34°, 44.19°, 64.74°, and 77.59° and spherical shape highlighted in the range between 77.8 and 93 nm. Plant extract consisted of polyphenol (phenolic acid, flavonoid, and terpenoid), fatty acid, amino acid, sugar, purine, and organic acid. AgNPs were used for colorimetric detection of ammonia by shifting the λmax from 580 to 490 nm. A method for ammonia detection was set up, with linear range of 0.5–200 ppm, detection limit of 0.028 ppm and recovery level of 96.3 ± 6.5%. In conclusion, a new biosynthetic method by specified local plant was developed to propose a simple and sensitive colorimetric method for soluble ammonia detection.

Nanotechnology is a field with rapid growing. Nanoparticles is applicated in biotechnological, medical, and industrial purposes due to their unique physical and chemical properties1. Nano-silver particles specified with remarkable characteristics, such as conductivity and stability. These properties are applicable in various fields of catalysis, cosmetics, plastics, photonics, nanomedicine, food processing, biological tagging, biomedical imaging, and antimicrobial agent2,3,4. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have attracted researchers in the field of colorimetry and spectroscopy due to their unique optical properties as well as their low cost compared to other nanoparticles of metals. These nanoparticles are able to strongly absorb and scatter visible light5. The optical properties of AgNPs are caused by the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance (SPR)6.

There are numerous methods for nanoparticles production such as biological approaches as well as physical and chemical syntheses. Physical and chemical methods are complex and expensive. In these days biosynthesis of nanoparticles is very attractive due to their simplicity, accessibility, affordability, safety to handle, and environmentally friendly characteristics7,8. Sahu and Kunjam synthesized AgNPs using bulb extract of Urginea indica (Roxb.). Silver nanoparticles had a spherical and cubic structure with particle size between 9 and 30 nm9. Asef et al. studied the bio-reduction method for fabricate silver nanoparticle production. In this study, silver nitrate and extract of Moringa oleifera leaves were employed as metallic precursor and reducing/ capping agent, respectively. The characterization tests showed the successful synthesis of nanoparticles10. Kaur et al. were synthesizing silver nanoparticles with dried leaves of Lycium shawii. After the successful synthesis of nanoparticles, its microbial activities were also examined11.

In this way, bioactive component of a plant extract perform reduction and stabilization of nanoparticles12,13. Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss (local name of Vanegi) is the only species of Smyrnium genus that has been reported in the flora of Iran14. The most important features of this plant include 80–120 cm in height, a thick and strong stem, greenish yellow flowers, and bright- green leaves15. Smyrnium cordifolium has medicinal properties and antioxidant activity. Limited information is available about this plant15,16. Based on the study of Tabaraki and Ghadiri16, total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoids content (TFC), and antioxidant activity of Smyrnium cordifolium extract is significant and impressive; Therefore, in our plan, this plant can reduce metal ions and synthesize metal nanoparticles.

Ammonia is a gas with distinct sharp scent1, which is extensively used in a multitude of industries such as fertilizer production, creation of animal feed, manufacture of fibers and plastics, production of paper and pharmaceuticals, as well as in explosive manufacturing. Moreover, ammonium salts are employed as a cleansing agents and food additives. The solubility of ammonia and its salts in water and alcohol is remarkable5,17. These substances are very danger for aquatic species even in low concentrations18. Moreover, ammonia is a prominent soil contaminant with impact on the plants and aquatic animals19. Ammonia is reported as the irritant of eye, nose, throat, and skin. Furthermore, it was causes of vomiting, headaches, pneumonia, and death in research20. In this way, practical and simple determination of ammonia in aqueous samples is a serious need for environmental topics21.

Various methods such as spectrometry22, fluorescence23, electrochemical24, and ion chromatography25 have been developed to identify ammonia. Very high sensitivity to changes in temperature and pH is the disadvantage of fluorescence method. Furthermore, this method is limited in detection range and is not proper in high concentrations21. Corrosion of the electrode, its stability and reliability, and the effect of environmental and interference compounds are known as drawbacks of the electrochemical detection method21. The most important problems of the ion chromatography method include the lack of selectivity in identifying ammonia, damage to the column, and the high cost of detection26. Spectrophotometric methods for ammonia determination are known as routine and common technique due to their wide application range and relative feasibility27. Several spectrophotometric methods have been used to detect dissolved ammonia in aqueous samples21. The most well-known techniques are the Nessler reaction and the Berthelot reaction28. Nessler reagent toxicity and unsuitable ammonia detection are an important hurdle of this technique28. Slow kinetics of Berthelot reaction is the disadvantage of method1,28. For detection of liquid ammonia, colorimetry method with SPR properties of metallic nanoparticles is an appropriate and useful approach due to its user-friendly, simplicity, high speed, low cost, and accuracy29,30. In these years colorimetric methods with green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles has evaluated for analyzing of ammonia in aqueous solution30. In the study of Dubas and Pimpan, AgNPs were synthesized by low-power UV source in the presence of poly methacrylic acid (PMA). Interaction between ammonia with AgNPs assessed by change from purple to yellow color. with detection limit of 5 ppm31. Ritthichai et al. synthetized AgNPs by silver nitrate as a silver precursor and tannic acid as a reducing agent. Detection limit of ammonia was evaluated 100 ppm32 according to color change from orange-yellow to yellowish-green.

In the present study, a novel biosynthesis with a local plant was developed to evaluate ammonia concentration in aqueous samples.

Ammonia (25%), Silver nitrate (AgNO3, 99%), sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) (NaOH, 98%), hydrochloric acid (37%), iron nitrate (Fe (NO3)3·9H2O, 98%), copper sulfate (CuSO4·5H2O, 99%), chromium nitrate (Cr (NO3)3·9H2O, 99.99%), cadmium sulfate (3CdSO4·8H2O, 99.99%), manganese nitrate (Mn (NO3)2 0.4 H2O, 98%), nickel sulfate (NiSO4·6H2O, 99%), mercury (II) nitrate (Hg (NO3)2· H2O, 99.99%) and ethanol (96%) were purchased from Merck (Germany).

The plant of Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss was collected from Bankol mountain in Ivan City, Ilam province, Iran, during spring 2023. Voucher specimens was formally identified by Dr. Naser Abbasi, Head of Biotechnology and Medicinal Plants Research Center, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical sciences and deposited in the herbarium of Biotechnology and Medicinal Plants Research Center, Ilam University of Medical Sciences (Herbarium code: 1160). The plant collection process and other steps were performed in accordance with policies, guidelines, and legislation of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Iran Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization. In this way, damage to the plant and species extinction do not occur. The aerial parts of plant washed with water and cut into smaller parts; dried at 30 °C and dark place for 7 days in free dust condition. After that dried samples were crushed to fine powder by an electric blender (350 A model, Gama Steel Co,. Iran)33.

25 g of powder was extracted by Soxhlet method using a thimble filter. Soxhlet was performed for 3 h under ethanol and water mixture with 7:3 ratio by temperature program of 50 °C at 30 min and 150 min at 100 °C. To improve extraction of organic component such as flavonoid and phenolic acid from Smyrnium cordifolium plant, ethanol-water mixture was used. However, low temperature for ethanol-water removing prevent structure change of the reducing compounds.

The extract mixture was filtered through a filter paper of Whatman No. 1. Plant extract concentrated by rotary evaporator device (RV 10 model, IKA Co,. Germany) for 3 h at 60 °C with the speed of 60 rpm (Fig. 1). Plant extract was stored in a refrigerator at 4 °C for further use34.

The phytochemical composition of Smyrnium cordifolium extract was characterized using liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (Alliance 2695 model, Waters Co,. USA) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy (IFS 66 model, Bruker Co,. USA). A liquid chromatography- mass selective detector (LC-MS) was equipped with the autosampler and 5 μm, 4.6 μm × 150 mm, and C18 column. The mobile phase contains mixture A (Acetonitrile + 0.1% Formic Acid) and mixture B (H2O + 0.1% Formic Acid) at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. The gradient conditions include 50% A and 50% B for 10 min and 80% A and 20% B between 10 and 25 min. Mass spectrometer consist of electrospray ionization (ESI) source which was used in positive and negative ionization mode. The capillary voltage was 4 kV, the desolvation temperature was set 350 °C and auxiliary gas with 200 L/h.

To determine the most important parameters in the green synthesis of AgNPs, Design Expert Ver. 13 according to the central composite design (CCD) was used. In-dependent variables were AgNO3 concentration, plant extract volume, pH, and temperature34. In this study for the biosynthesis reaction of 4 h AgNO3 between 5 and 20 mM, plant extract volume in the range of 5–30 ml, pH between 4 and 10, and temperature from 35 to 70 °C entered to Design Expert software based on the previous studies12,35,36. However, UV-Vis Spectrometry absorbance (CE 2021 model, Agilent Co,. USA) at a wavelength of 580 nm was considered as the efficiency of AgNPs biosynthesis (Fig. 1). Determination of the optimal wavelength for AgNPs biosynthesis and UV-Vis absorption spectra are provided in the supplementary information, Fig. S1–S31.

As shown in Table 1 and 30 runs were proposed by the software while each variable was examined in 5 levels, including three main levels (– 1, 0, and + 1), two central points (+ α and – α), and three repetitions in the central point (full mode). After that the best model was determined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) test.

Confirmation of AgNPs synthetize was performed by UV-Vis spectrophotometer (CE 2021 model, Agilent Co,. USA) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) (PW 1730 model, Philips Co,. Netherlands). XRD patterns was recorded with the operating power of 40 kV and 40 mA, and the diffraction data were collected between 10 and 80° (2θ). Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) (Model: MIRA II and III model, Tescan Co,. Czech Republic) was employed to determine the particle size and morphology of AgNPs. Elemental character was assessed by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS/EDX) instrument. Chemical composition was studied by fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra (WQF-510 A) in 400–4000 cm−1. The behavior stability was assessed through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) (Q 600 model, TA CO,. USA). TGA was performed under a nitrogen atmosphere, temperature range 30–800 °C, and heating rate 10 °C/min. The average particle size and polydispersity index (PI) were determined by the dynamic light scattering (DLS) (SZ 100 model, Horiba CO,. Japan) at 25 °C with 90° detection angle.

Colorimetric reaction was prepared between 1 mL freshly synthetized AgNPs and 5 mL of ammonia standard solution. Standard solution of ammonia studied in the range of 0.5–200 ppm. Reaction efficiency was followed by UV-Vis spectrometry (Agilent, USA) at 490 nm.

Interference reaction was recorded with chemicals of Cr3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, and Hg2+12 in the presence of ammonia.

In addition, with the aim of application of this method in real samples, water samples were collected from agricultural water and the ammonia amount was determined by the colorimetric method developed by the present study.

Linear dynamic range (LDR), limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), repeatability, and recovery were studied as validation parameters. Relative standard deviation (RSD) was applied as a repeatability based on the within-day and between-day assay via Eq. (1). Recovery parameter was determined through Eq. (2).

Green synthesis of AgNPs.

Chemical profile of Smyrnium cordifolium extract based on the LC-Mass chromatogram was presented in Table 2; Fig. 2 for negative and positive ionization method.

Mass chromatograms (TICs) of Smyrnium cordifolium extract. (a Negative mode and b positive mode)

Different components were characterized according to mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) map in the total ion chromatograms (TICs) and similarity with other reports.

There are 19 different compounds according to analysis of chromatogram and mass spectrum. These compounds categorized in 6 groups, including polyphenol, fatty acid, amino acid, sugar, purine, and organic acid. The polyphenol group contains three subgroups called phenolic acid, flavonoid, and terpenoid. Caffeic acid, sinapic acid hexose, quinic acid glucoside, and coumaric acid are in the phenolic acid. Quercetin hexoside, tricetin, gallocatechin, quercetin, and 6 methyl flavonol sodium salt compounds are in the flavonoid class and isorhamnetin 3-o-glucoside is in the terpenoid class. Two compounds of corchorifatty acid F and octadecanoic acid are in the fatty acid class and four compounds of asparagine, choline, phenyl alamine, and threanine are classified in the amino acid family. However, the compounds of D-cymarose, adenosine, and gluconic acid are in the sugar, purine, and organic acid family, respectively.

FTIR spectrum of Smyrnium cordifolium extract showed in Fig 3. The band of 3400 cm−1 corresponds to the hydroxyl groups stretching which is related to polyphenols and amino acids compounds50,51,52,53,54,55. The peak at 3375 and 3426 cm−1 corresponds to the N–H group stretching vibration in primary and secondary amines and amide compounds35,56,57. The observed peak at 1616 cm−1 belongs to the stretching vibration of the C=O group in carbonyl of amide35,58.

In the study of Some et al., the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticle was performed by aqueous leaf extract of Morus indica L. V1. The phytochemicals identified in this extract included isoquercetin, sophoraisoflavanone A, cyclomorusin, mangiferin xanthonoid, gallic acid, kazinol B, and stigmasterol; However these compounds are in the flavonoid and phenolic groups59.

Saad et al. identified 20 phytochemicals in pomegranate and watermelon wastes extracts. The main phenolic compounds for silver nanoparticle synthesis included quercetin, gallic acid, catechein, cyanidin-3-o-glu, punicalagin, ellagic acid, genistein, ferulic acid, and kampeferol60.

Selim et al. shown that the phytochemicals of gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeine, caffeic acid, syringic acid, rutin, ellagic acid, coumaric acid, vanillin, ferulic acid, naringenin, propyl gallate, quercetin, and cinnamic acid in extract of deverra tortuosa can produced nanoparticles of metals61.

Presence of chemicals such as phenolic acid, flavonoid, and terpenoid groups in Smyrnium cordifolium highlighted the reduction properties of plant extract which used for synthetizing, capping, and stabilization of silver nanoparticles.

FTIR of Smyrnium cordifolium extract and AgNPs.

Green chemistry is a new approach for nanoparticle synthesis which is overcome the problems of physical and chemical methods. The major feature of this method is simplicity in synthesis, cost-effectiveness, and environment friendly approach62. Application of plants in this marathon has advantages of availability, fewer biohazards, user safety, and inexpensive63. Plant extract with several bioactive phytochemicals such as phenolic acid, flavonoid, alkaloids, ketones, aldehydes, tannins, terpenoids, organic acids, and proteins can interact with silver ions to reduce and stabilize the AgNPs13,59. The Smyrnium cordifolium located in Ilam province, Iran, is one of the natural and self-growing plants, which has abundant bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites. Therefore, in this study, for the first time, it was planning to use Smyrnium cordifolium extract for reducing of silver ions as well as stabilizing agent of AgNPs.

Finding of CCD model showed the quadratic function is an appropriate model to fit dependent variables and solution absorbance (Eq. 3).

The results of the ANOVA test are shown in Table 3. The P-value of model was significant (p < 0.0001), lack-of-fit was not significant (p = 0.3917), and F-value is enough large (29.55). Moreover, regression of coefficient (R2) was 0.87 as a suitable fitting marker between independent parameters (AgNO3 concentration, plant extract volume, pH, and temperature) and response variable. The difference less than 0.2% between adjusted R2 and predicted R2 also shows good prediction of model. Adeq precision higher than 4 highlighted its acceptability and desirability due to appropriate signal to noise factor. In this way optimum conditions of AgNPs biosynthesis with Smyrnium cordifolium were 20 mM AgNO3, 5 ml Smyrnium cordifolium extract, pH = 10, and temperature of 70 °C.

The interaction between AgNO3 concentration and plant extract volume show increasing of AgNPs formation in higher AgNO3 concentration (Fig. 4). It could be related to higher positive charge and growing the reduction rate35,64. However, three-dimensional response between temperature and pH presented increasing of AgNPs synthetize in higher temperature and alkaline pH (Fig. 4). At higher temperatures, a speed of the reaction improved due to the facilitate of free electrons movement12,65. Hydroxyl ions in alkaline pH, increase the reduction of silver metal. Alkaline condition leads to an intermediate reaction and Ag2O production (Eq. 4). In this way, Ag2O precipitation act as a nucleus of AgNPs growing66,67.

Three-dimensional response AgNPs biosynthesis (a Plant extract volume and AgNO3 Concentration, b Temperature and pH).

Synthesis of AgNPs was confirmed by color change from colorless to dark orange (Fig. 5). Moreover, the visible assessment of AgNPs shows maximum absorption at 580 nm. In other words, UV–Vis analysis shows that absorption in plant extract of 360 nm wavelength shifted to 580 nm wavelength by adding silver nitrate and finally forming silver nanoparticles. (Fig. 6a). Recently UV–Vis spectroscopy was reported as an indirect way for recognition of the nanoparticles formation68,69. Electron excitation in the surface of nanoparticles caused absorption band conduction which is named SPR. Therefore, color change and the red shift signal with the increase in absorption level at 580 nm confirmed the reduction of silver ion (Ag+) to silver metal (Ag0) due to SPR property70,71. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles is published by wavelength change in the range of 400–580 nm30,51,72,73. In this way size and shape of metal nanoparticles is related to specific UV-Vis absorption13,74. However, biosynthesize of AgNPs with Smyrnium cordifolium extract is developed due to specific vibration band determined by spectrometer.

Color change in AgNPs production.

XRD patterns of AgNPs were shown in Fig. 6b. Existence of well-shaped peaks at 2Ѳ value of 38.34°, 44.19°, 64.74°, and 77.59° (111, 200, 220, 311 crystal planes) demonstrated the formation of the crystal form of AgNPs73,75.

Elemental composition of AgNPs was presented with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy EDS in Fig. 6c. The highest signal of 3KV (1,23) confirmed the production of AgNPs from silver ion through Smyrnium cordifolium1,35.

Characterization AgNPs (a UV-Vis, b XRD, c EDS, d FE-SEM, e TGA, f DLS).

The weight% of elements including silver (Ag), carbon (C), chlorine (Cl), and oxygen (O) are 77.29%, 18.17%, 2.64%, and 1.91%, respectively. However, the weak signals of C, Cl, and O are attributed to the capping agent and bioactive compounds of the plant extract51,76. Surface morphology of AgNPs is shown in Fig. 6d according to the FE-SEM image. Synthetized AgNPs is spherical with the size range between 77.8 and 93 nm.

In the FTIR spectra of AgNPs (Fig. 3), four bands of the Smyrnium cordifolium extract with a slight shift were found at 3486, 3423, 3392, and 1621 cm−1. There was a new peak at 507 cm−1, which indicates the oxygen-metal band (O–Ag) and confirms the successful synthesis of AgNPs12,35,73.

As shown in Fig. 6e, TGA of AgNPs presented the slight weight loss at 100 °C which is related to water absorbed on the surface of AgNPs. Significant weight loss was observed in the TGA curve prior to 690 °C, attributed to the destruction and removal of phytochemicals and stabilizing agents on the surface of AgNPs. However, total weight loss of AgNPs is 12.82 as the same as other studies35,77,78. Hydrodynamic size of AgNPs is 473.5 nm with PI value of 0.615 (Fig. 6f) based on the DLS test. AgNPs with a PI value less than 0.7 indicates the synthesis of silver nanoparticle with suitable quality, relatively proper defined dimensions, and high monodispersity51.

Silver nanoparticle synthesized from Smyrnium cordifolium extract have suitable thermal stability. Phytochemicals and bioactive compounds in Smyrnium cordifolium extract are responsible as a stability and capping agents of silver nanoparticles.

The interaction between synthetized AgNPs and ammonia solution clarified by color change of mixture from dark orange to amber. This color conversion is related to blue shift of maximum wavelength from 580 to 490 nm (Fig. 6a). According to other studies18,35 surface charge of silver AgNPs increases by ammonia solution according to silver diamine complex [Ag (NH3)2]+ formation which is presented by blue shift of wavelength from 580 to 490 nm. This reaction decreases the amount of AgNPs which it shows significant change in SPR band. However, dielectric constant of the mixture and the distance between the particles is changed12,35. Color change of AgNPs and ammonia interaction is related to ammonia concentration and was studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy as the method of ammonia detection.

Advised method for assessment of ammonia was carried out by adding 1 mL synthetized AgNPs and 5 mL of ammonia solution. The blue shift of wavelength from 580 to 490 nm highlighted absorption spectra for the detection of ammonia. Validation parameters are presented in Table 4.

The regression of the calibration curve was ≥ 99.76%, and ammonia recovery values were 96.3 ± 6.5%.

The selectivity of suggested method was tested using potential interfering cation species in solution. As shown in Fig. 7, There is any amber color for cation interferences with AgNPs due to suitable selectivity of suggested method.

Selectivity test of ammonia determination.

Feasibility of ammonia assessment was evaluated in environmental applications using agricultural irrigation sampling. Seven water samples were selected from two stations.

The ammonia concentration in a real sample was presented between 2.1 and 3.3 ppm (Table 5). Moreover, by adding 100 ppm of standard solution in all samples, recovery of method was calculated in the range of 98.8–104%.

we compared the colorimetric method of ammonia detection according to Smyrnium Cordifolium bio-synthesized AgNPs with other plant extract in Table 6. In two studies by Ismail et al., silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using extracts of Convolvulus Cneorum and Durenta erecta12,35.Ammonia detection were not validated by accuracy and precision tests in these studies. Jongprakobkit et al. developed a colorimetric method for ammonia detection by anthocyanins from red cabbage. The detection limit and linear range of this method were obtained as 0.29 and 1–25 ppm, respectively79. It seems that the linear range of this study is small, and it covers a lower concentration range of ammonia than our study. In the study by Alzahrani, silver nanoparticles synthesized from Durian fruit shell. However, Srikhao et al., studied green method through sugarcane plant extract30.They missed some validation parameters such as relative standard deviation as precision tests. We evaluate all of analysis validation parameters while the results show validation parameters of our method are better or comparable with the results of other.

In this study, silver nanoparticles were used for colorimetric assessment of ammonia solution. AgNPs were synthetized according to green chemistry approach by Smyrnium cordifolium extract. However, reduction potency of Iranian local Smyrnium cordifolium were highlighted by 19 different chemicals. Bio-synthetize was optimized with CCD in 20 mM AgNO3, 5 ml Smyrnium cordifolium extract, pH 10, and temperature of 70 °C. An environmentally friendly method was validated for the assessment of agricultural irrigation samples. In conclusion suggested reactions including bio-synthesize and silver-ammonia interaction are simple, sensitive, inexpensive, and reproducible which are comparable with other reports.

All data used were published in this manuscript and can be requested from the corresponding author.

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This study was supported by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (Ethical code: IR.SBMU.PHNS.REC.1402.025).

Department of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Mohammad Amin Rashidi

Zoonotic Diseases Research Center, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran

Shahab Falahi

Department of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Somayeh Farhang Dehghan & Rezvan Zendehdel

Department of Analytical Chemistry and Pollutants, Faculty of Chemistry and Petroleum Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Homeira Ebrahimzadeh

Biotechnology and Medicinal Plants Research Center, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran

Hori Ghaneialvar

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M.A.R and R.Z: Study design, interpretation of the results, and drafting the manuscript, SH.F, H.E, and H.G: acquisition of data, S.F.D= Statistical analysis.

Correspondence to Rezvan Zendehdel.

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Rashidi, M.A., Falahi, S., Farhang Dehghan, S. et al. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Smyrnium cordifolium plant and its application for colorimetric detection of ammonia. Sci Rep 14, 24161 (2024).

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Received: 28 March 2024

Accepted: 12 September 2024

Published: 15 October 2024


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